This pack of activity plans for kids includes:
Colorful visuals & interactive components
-Book recommendations
-Interactive Google Slides
-Online spinners
-Crafts and fine motor activities with visuals and printables
No fancy materials, no complicated setup!
The plans require only the simplest materials, including:
-Paper, crayons, scissors, glue
-Toilet paper rolls
-Small toys
-Paper plates
-Toilet paper
-Rolled pairs of socks
Perfect for in-person or virtual sessions
Each activity can be easily adapted for either in-person or virtual therapy sessions. Use the activities on screen share or pull them up on a tablet or laptop during in-person sessions.
Age Range & Skill Areas
Designed for kids in the preschool through elementary school range.
Plans target a range of skill areas including:
-Core strength
-Coordination & Strengthening
-Visual Motor /Visual Perceptual Skills
-Fine Motor Coordination (scissor skills, drawing/prewriting)
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